A couple weeks ago I wrote a bit about ReviewBoard, an open-source web application for doing code reviews. I now have it up and running and have introduced it to my team. Hopefully, over the next weeks and months we'll find it a useful tool for reviewing code.
But it certainly took more than a little work to get it up and running on Windows. I had to install Apache, MySQL, PHP, Django, and any number of PHP packages. Add to that the time I spent fiddling with Apache. Of course, I got it working on my own desktop fairly easily, but for some reason when I put it on a dedicated box and started trying to run Apache as a service, the program was having none of it.
My first issue was that even though I'd configured the thing nearly identically to how I had on my successful installation on my own desktop, it wasn't quite working. The first problem I encountered was that even though it said I'd successfully added my CVS repository (which is required to submit reviews) the dropdown displaying the repositories against which it would check submitted reviews would not populate.
Of course, I did the requisite Google-ing but apparently no one else had had the problem.
Soon enough, I was looking at Apache logs, had started opening up the Python code (and mind you I don't know Python), and eventually descended into putting in print outs in the source to the Apache log.
Ultimately, I traced the problem to an included library. For each possible SCM (CVS, SVN, etc), there is a file in ReviewBoard to manage the interactions. Before populating the dropdown, the appropriate library makes sure it can run the commands it needs to interact with the repository. To do this it uses an including Djblets library which has a function called is_exe_on_path. This function is passed a string literal representing the command to be invoked, in my case 'cvs'. The function then appends '.exe' if the app is running on windows and checks that the file is on the path. In my case, this resulted in a check for a file named 'cvs.exe'.
The problem is the newest version of Tortoise NO LONGER HAS A FILE CALLED cvs.exe. Oh, it used to...and that's why I didn't have the problem on my desktop where I'd used an older version. But on my new computer I'd installed the latest version of TortoiseCVS which has replaced cvs.exe with a file called TortoiseAct.exe. How it's invoked on the command line when one types 'cvs' I don't know (I think via a registry entry and DLL), but ReviewBoard was having none of it.
So, I made a copy of the stupid TortoiseAct.exe, renamed it 'Cvs.exe' and hey, presto, the dropdown was working. I left off for awhile and started playing with some other applications for my new tools box assuming everything had been resolved. In fact, subsequently I ended up installing an older version of Tortoise as the newer version didn't work with Hudson, the Java-based continuous integration server, I also put on the box. So ultimately all of my effort would have been unnecessary had I installed Hudson first.
After I’d finished setting up Hudson and prior to rolling out ReviewBoard to the team, I decided I should do a quick run through. So, I made a file diff (which is how one submits a review) and clicked 'Upload' and waited.
And waited. The thing just sat there hanging frozen on the submission page.
I quickly descended back into opening Python source, adding print outs in various ReviewBoard libraries until I found that the line that it was hanging on. It was where ReviewBoard tried to invoke a 'cvs up' command.
Okay, it's CVS again. Great.
But here there was no apparent problem. I spent a few hours, looking at environment variables, making sure all my batch files were readable by the Default Windows user (which is who services on Windows run as default) was accessible. But nothing worked. I could run the same cvs command the program was running on the command line myself just fine, though. It made no sense.
Finally, I set Apache to run not as the Default User in Windows but as *me*. Hey, presto, it worked.
I tried copying over my ssh.bat and ssh keys into the Default User home directory, tried all sorts of random stuff, but nothing worked. Ultimately, I created a new local user on Windows, gave him administrator rights, and logged into the box to start Apache while actually logged in as the user.
It still hanged.
So, I tried running the cvs command myself while logged in as my new user. And a prompt popped up saying the host needed to be added to the 'known hosts' file. I clicked 'Yes' and suddenly the thing was working. Goddammit! It was because the known hosts file was local to my user account and the Default User’s hadn’t had the IP of the CVS server added yet.
Of course, you may be asking what the point of all this blathering is. Well, I got into a conversation with my co-worker, Jim, during the middle of all of this about the age old 'build vs. buy' question.
There was a very definite cost to all this mucking around. I probably spent the better part of two days mucking around trying to get the goddamn thing to work. I don't blame the ReviewBoard people for this. They used an existing library and the people that wrote that library weren't expecting the application used for CVS access to not have a fill called ‘cvs.exe’ (I still think it's dumb code). Why did TortoiseCVS get rid of the cvs.exe file? Seems stupid to me. But again, it's all random decisions by unrelated parties that make installing an piece of software a potential pain.
The argument could be, I could have bought SmartBear code review and been spared all this pain. I don't know that that's true. It probably is. Of course, I see value in the time I spent. Coming out on the other end of all this, I'd learned quite a bit about setting up Apache2, I'd learned a little tiny bit of Python and Django, and I knew exactly how the software was set up. But again, maybe it was easier to have just bought something that *worked*.
Jim mentioned that he'd really have a reversal of the opinion he had years ago, that often it's better to just shell out the money for something that works, so you don't have to waste time or end up with using mediocre software...just because it's free. And he also mentioned that, as someone who writes software for a living, he believes in the value of software. That good software is worth paying for. I think that's a noble sentiment. Jim is one of the most principled people I know, meaning he really thinks about his beliefs and he acts in accordance with them at all times.
I'm much more of a hypocrite, contradictory, and while I write software that I hope maybe to charge people for one day, I mutter 'No goddamn way I'm paying for this!'. But there is a cost to being cheap.
I think I do agree with Jim in that if at the end, you're using shitty software just because it's free, you've made a mistake. By the same token, I think it's a huge mistake to assume that because you've been charged for something that it has value.
Is JBoss that much better than Jetty? MyEclipse vs Eclipse? SmartBear CodeReview better than ReviewBoard? Maybe.
But I think you have to put some time in and choose where you want to spend money. Look at the cost/benefit carefully. And do realize that in cases such as my ReviewBoard installation, sure I did spend a bunch of my time. But I also learned a hell of a lot. And I see definite value in that. That said, if I tried CodeReview and it was miles and miles better than anything open source, I'd like to think I'd pony up the cash.
In my case, I'm working for a company and having to get a VP's approval on any purchase, just means such things will languish in purgatory forever, whereas I already have ReviewBoard up and running and am ready to roll it out to my team.
Of course, my company has no problem in spending 20,000 on an installation of TFS (Team Foundation Server), which has been presented as the second coming, yet I wonder if people have really examined all the inefficiencies in process we have, rather than assuming Microsoft will solve all our problems. It's all a very interesting subject, but that's all I have time for...for now.
CodeSOD: Crossly Joined
20 hours ago
Wait you actually would do a cost benefit analysis? Wow!
I'm sensing a bit of sarcasm. Lol.
It's obviously not a novel concept, but I think in many cases it's easy to fall into the trap of "I need to do X", going out trying a ton of free open source stuff, and settling on the best of the *free* options without considering that there may be a cost to "free" software.
Especially if it's for something smaller I'm definitely prone to this behavior.
"You want me to pay $50 for that? Screw that. There are free ones!"
As with most things in software engineering (and probably life period), it's easy to say this stuff in the abstract, but often you'll find youself doing goofy things like using some shitty open source thing for your core activities, even though with a minimal investment, you might have something way better. But when the divide isn't huge, it can be hard to quantify this cost/benefit.
And the more often you have to make such decisions, the more likely that any one decision you make will receive less attention.
I don't think many companies (or people) would plunk down $20,000 for some massive installation of software without doing a cost/benefit analysis, but at the same point often such "analyses" are done with a forgone conclusion. The analysis is done only to support what someone already wants, be it because they "like" a the company, or are friends with teh salesperson, or just irrationally like it, rather than an objective investigation.
Even if it's objective, they may be looking at hte wrong metrics and miss the forest for the trees.
We recently had ReviewBoard rolled out for us to use as well. Of course it has been customized and integrated into our "systems" (and I use that term loosely). We have teams (yes, plural) dedicated to researching, customizing, setting up and maintaining our internal tools, so it was at a cost of their time. From my perspective, it "just works".
Did my company save money on the choice? Hard to say, I probably have no way of knowing. But having seen a lot of our custom-rolled, in-house-developed tools, I'm fairly sure that going with 3rd party software was the right choice. In this case it was free. But we already shell out a huge amount of money for individual Perforce licenses, so it probably doesn't really matter.
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