Wednesday, November 14, 2007

And so it begins...

Well, this is it. I've talked about starting a blog for quite some time now, but I've just never gotten around to it. It’s been too much work or drama in my personal life or just sheer laziness, but there’s always been something keeping me from starting one of these things up. But today, I’m giving it a shot.

I’m not sure how this will exactly work or what I’ll write; I know only one thing, it’s going to focus on life in the technology world. Think of it as Dilbert. Just without the humor. And it’s not a cartoon. And there are no anthropomorphic characters. Or anything remotely amusing or enlightening. But otherwise, it’s exactly the same.

Oh well.

In any event, I suppose I should preface this all with a bit about myself. I am a development manager for a medium sized company in the wireless space. I previously worked for an online chance-to-win agency (basically, you play their “promotions” and win stuff). Currently, I manage a team of about ten people.

I don’t do too much coding these days, though a bit here and there. I’ve never thought of myself as that talented a programmer, having seen some truly brilliant folks in action. Of course, like all programmers, as soon as I look at someone else’s code I see everything they did wrong and I would have done better.

I have some decided biases, which I’d thought about detailing now, but I figure they will quickly reveal themselves, so what’s the point. With that said, I shall conclude this largely superflous and ego driven exercise and immediately start my next entry, which hopefully will actually have a bit of substance.